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Trenbolone Side Effects

4th January 2019 sfsadmin 0
…he has been consuming the following AAS: Testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone isocaproate, testosterone decanoate 250?mg, trenbolone acetate 75?mg, 5alpha-androstanediol 100?mg, boldenone and methandriol dipropionate 240?mg, 17B-Methyl-5?-androstano[3,2-c]pyrazole-17?-ol 100?mg, 17?-hydroxy-17?-methyl-2-oxa-5?-androstane-3-one ?mg,…
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Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

3rd October 2018 sfsadmin 0
…stimulates Leydig cells in the testes, and this leads to increased local testosterone production. Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM) is a compound that can act as an estrogen agonist or…
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Winstrol (Stanozolol)

20th October 2016 Dan Chaiet 0
…also typically include a base compound such as testosterone propionate. The cycle is performed for a period of between 8 weeks and 10 weeks. Fellows performing either an intermediate or…